The “Persuasion Wizard” Presents…

How To Use Ghost Persuasion To Live The Most Amazing Life You Can Imagine

“Money. Sex. Influence.”

Look, I get it.

Why should you listen to a 21-year-old Italian high-school dropout when it comes to…

Massively boost the profits of your marketing and business, almost overnight…

Get beautiful women to sleep with you, no matter your age, looks or how much money you make…

Or get other people to easily and instantly act as you wish, whatever situation you find yourself in…

Here’s the truth.

Persuasion is a SKILL.

You CAN learn it.

And I mastered it.

(At a young age 🙂)

But after selling over $20M worth of products online, PROFITABLY…

After having my marketing stuff admired (and even stolen) by world-class marketers…

And by the best persuaders of our Era – those guys you know by name, and some hidden figures operating in the shadows…

I felt empty.

I felt incomplete.

I felt there was something BIGGER I could do for the world.

I realized…

The secrets I used to quickly climb the ladder of success were just TOO POWERFUL to not share with other people.

But only with good and honest people.

(I hate scammers)

That’s why on a late Sunday night, on Dec 8 2024…

The Day of the Immaculate Conception…

(That ought to tell you something)

I decided to fly down from the Heavens and bless you good people with my first YouTube video.

And on December 25, the Day of the Messiah…

I started teaching YOU how to use the same powerful tactics and strategies that actually work in the REAL world…

To get whatever YOU want in life using the Secrets of Ghost Persuasion.

Not some mainstream BS you read on ‘Best Sellers’ books.

Not some dumbed down advice from random guys on YouTube.

And not the old, boring stuff you find in those $997 courses from some guru.

I can’t settle for that.

It’s just not who I am.

I want to give you the MOST advanced…

The MOST forbidden…

The MOST dangerous…

(And barely legal)

Persuasion and influence techniques you can use RIGHT NOW…

To transform your life and make your dreams a reality.

I’m giving you the KEYS to the castle of success.

I’m giving you the path to the PARADISE of Moist Pink Abundance.

I’m giving you the golden nectar.

I’m giving you the juicy milk straight from God’s TITS.

I’m giving you the REAL shit.

So if you’re the type of person who wants to stand tall above all others…

If you want your skill arsenal armed with the Swiss Knife of Persuasion that can slice through anything…

If you want powerful, cutting-edge knowledge to master all areas of life…

Whether it’s business, dating, health, or even parenting…

(Or if you just want to “indulge yourself” while you admire my beautiful face)

I invite you to take my hand and follow my lead…

As I walk you through the dark and mysterious Forest hiding the Secrets of Life…

We’ll go down through the Valley of the Shadow…

And high over the Mountains of Toilsome Heights…

Until you finally reach the Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow… 🌈💰

To your life changing success,

Dario Zen

PS: if I sounded a bit “over the top”, it’s YOUR problem. Go jerk off and cry in the corner. You’ll watch from the bottom as My Followers raise to unlimited heights and unlock The Secrets Of The Universe. I’m joking. Or maybe not.

Watch My Videos And Make More Money

(Or learn how to easily attract stunningly gorgeous supermodels who will adore YOU and only you as a GOD – and would do anything to make you happy, I mean ANYTHING…)

Join My Exclusive (And Insanely Profitable) Online Family

Want MASSIVE profits for YOUR Business? Join an Elite Group of Persuasion Wizards and allow me to add a comma to your bank account. It doesn’t matter what your Business is. E-commerce, Coaching, Consulting, Info-products, whatever. You NEED world-class marketing, copywriting, and offer creation to DOMINATE in 2025 (and destroy your competition). Discover the Forbidden Secrets Of Ghost Persuasion, and simply install my private, direct feedback on your marketing staff (we’re doing group coaching, and I’m personally reviewing your stuff) to transform your life today. LIMITED to 10 spots, applications only (I will get on a call with you to understand what are YOUR needs for your Business right now). I just opened this and you can imagine why it will fill up pretty quickly. Once it’s filled, new applications will be closed for months:

Love My Content? Drop Your Email Below (Shamelessly)

(Honestly, I don’t know yet what emails I should send you. But when I will send you stuff, I know you’ll love it and just reading it will make you feel smarter and make you money on autopilot. So it doesn’t matter if you find your own reasons to subscribe now to my empty email list, better to do it than not, right? Good boy)

I won’t send you nudes of myself. I promise. Unless you ask me nicely.

Want Massive Profits For YOUR Business?

Qualify To Ask For My Advice (IF You Can Afford It)

WARNING: I have my own business. My team runs several 8-figure (and soon to be 9-figure) e-commerce brands. Consulting is NOT my source of income. And honestly, I make way more money focusing on my own stuff…

So you have to be REEEEALLY interesting to catch my attention. I want to learn something from you, from how YOU run your business, not just give you stuff. My advice starts at $6,666 per hour (It’s a Meme but that’s actually what smart people pay me). Just fyi…

Once you complete the form below to the best of your ability (or I won’t even reply), it may take me several days to get back to you. Or weeks. Keep watching my YouTube videos on loop while you patiently wait.

Prices Of The Wizard

Of course The Wizard is not cheap. And doesn’t really want to work with people. He’s secretive, diffident, and segregated in His Bat Cave as He plot His Evil Plans to quickly conquer the world and become the youngest self-made Billionaire EVER at age 24. Humble…

If you want to waste His time with your BS Ideas, he may or may not accept your dirty money. So here are the prices of the Wizard – all payed upfront, with NO refund policy…

1-Day Consulting: $66,666

24-hour total immersion on Your Business and Your Personal Problems. We’ll enjoy both work and play. We can discuss world domination, philosophy, women, and the Greater Good. Or Evil Plans. It’s up to you.

Full Marketing Plan: $666,666

Want an easy-to-follow Done-For-You Blueprint to launch or scale your Business so it quickly reaches 8-,9-, 10-figures and beyond? You have to deserve it. I only work with Good and Honest People. So your Project has to be exciting and Positive for this Reality. Just fyi.

Mass Manipulation: $6,666,666

Want to manipulate the gathered multitude into going to war for a fake ideal? Accepting a new fake disease and lock-down? Starting a Religion just to make money? It’s not cheap. But I may help you. I like writing Presidential speeches, news casts, propaganda. If you convince me to.

Soul Salvation: $66,666,666

Have you been a very naughty boy? I don’t blame you. It’s not your fault. I’ve been there too. The Dark Side is tempting. So if you want to repent yourself of all Sins and guarantee going to Heaven – with 72 hot, sexy, dripping young, virgins ready to serve your every desires… I may be able to help you. I don’t promise Miracles. Or maybe I do.

Charity: $666,666,666

The Wizard is a good boy at heart. He may seem possessed by the Devil, but he’s not always like that. I promise I’ll donate at least this amount to DIRECT charitable causes through My Life. Just fyi.

Net-Worth Before 26 yo: $6,666,666,666

No comments.

Net-Worth Before 33 yo: $66,666,666,666

I promise I’m making at least $66B before 33 year old. So my fellow Persuasion Wizard Jesus Christ will be Proud of Me. Big Inspiration. Let’s be humble. No homo.

The rabbit hole is deeper than you think…

Stay Tuned.